Non-medical Translation

Business Materials

PR, training materials, catalogs, brochures, presentation materials, business plan, articles of incorporation, minutes and other records of the board of directors, bylaws, letters…

Finance/Accounting Materials

Financial statements, income statement, audit records, bank transaction materials, investment materials…

Legal Materials

Contracts, agreements, MOU, terms, petitions, sentencing, litigation documents, claims, notarial documents…

Industrial/Technical Materials

Brochures, international standards and specifications, SW/HW, user manuals, maintenance manuals, instructions for use, proposals, guidebooks…


Website contents localization and globalization for public institutions and companies

Academic Materials

Humanities and social sciences, natural sciences and engineering (medicine, pharmacy, biology, bioengineering, food engineering, food and nutrition, health environment, ecology, environmental science, etc.), reports, presentation materials, journals, papers, lecture materials...