Hybrid Translation

CAT Tools-leveraged translations

CAT and AI tools are leveraged for our translations.
In particular, CAT tools maximize text reusability, where document-specific glossaries and data are automatically accumulated and incorporated into translation. A variety of CAT tools are harnessed to provide translations of high caliber. Also, we are trying to pilot-test a range of ever-evolving CAT tools and AI translation tools to update our own database and utilize them for effective machine translation post editing (MTPE, a combination of AI translation and linguist review).

CAT Tools to pull up translation efficiency

  • CAT Tools are harnessed in the hybrid translation that strengthens the advantages of Machine Translation (MT) and Human Translation (HT), ensuring faster and more accurate translation.
  • All translation texts are saved, making the translation results consistent per client/project, with TM and Concordance.
  • Productivity and efficiency are improved with quick, intuitive comparisons between source texts and target texts with terms and TM visible on a screen.
  • Translators can collaborate in a large-scale project with consistency based on TMs and terms.
  • Grammatical errors and missing tags can be readily checked, making easier the inspection of translation quality.

Applicable areas of CAT Tools

Technical translations including medicine, applications, SW/HW, mechanics, and environment

CAT Tools-applicable translations

Reports, SOPs, specifications, training materials, user manuals, leaflets, getting started guides, etc.